Due to the epidemic of COVID-19, participants who are not able to attend the conference, we accept oral and poster presentation online.
Please send an email to icaceh.office@gmail.com for more details.
Organized by:
2nd IEEE International Conference on Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics 2020 (IEEE ICACEH 2020) will be held during December 25-27, 2020 in Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and it will provide a unified communication platform for researchers in the topics of Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics. This conference will bring together leading researchers, architects, engineers, design professionals, product manufacturers, builders, developers in various disciplines of construction engineering and built environment around the world. Recently, Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics are undergoing a discipline-wide transformation thanks to advances in computing, networking technologies, big data and artificial intelligence. The conference highlights a wide range of issues to enhance knowledge exchange, increase practical awareness and explore new ideas and thinking related to construction engineering, management, technology and environment. During the conference, there will be substantial time for presentation and discussion. Attendants will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group of engineers and technologists across the disciplines for the generation of new ideas, collaboration potential and business opportunities.
Excellent papers selected from ICACEH 2020 will be recommended to be published on suitable 13 different SSCI and SCI journals after an additional review process and need extra publication charge.
2. Water (SCI; ISSN 2073-4441; IF: 2.544)
3. Sensors (SCI; ISSN 1424-8220; IF: 3.275)
4. Coatings (SCI; ISSN 2079-6412; IF: 2.436)
5. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
6. Electronics (SCI: ISSN: 2079-9292; IF: 2.412)
7. Sustainability (SCI and SSCI; ISSN 2071-1050; IF: 2.576)
8. Symmetry (SCI; ISSN 2073-8994; IF: 2.645)
9. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
10. Sensors and Materials (SCI; ISSN: 0914-4935; IF: 0.482)
11. Information (Ei Compendex, ESCI; ISSN 2078-2489)